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gdgd Fairies Anime ENG-Sub

Anime Genre,
Anime Sprache
Anime Typ
Anime Erscheinungsjahr
Alternativer Name des AnimeGudaguda Fairies Gdgd 妖精s [ぐだぐだフェアリーズ]
2. Alternativer Name des AnimeGdgd Fairies
Staffel des Anime StreamStaffel 1
Länge pro Anime-Folge13 Minuten
Anzahl der Episoden12
Austrahlungstermin Japan13.10.2011 ‑ 29.12.2011

Beschreibung des Anime

pkpk, shrshr, and krkr are three fairies who live in Fairy Forest. They meet at their house in the forest to chat, use magic freely in the Room of Spirit and Time, peek into other worlds and imagine all sorts of stories at Dubbing Lake, and just have tons of fun! Come and spend some quality gdgd time with the gdgd Fairies!

Quelle: Crunchyroll

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